Wednesday, June 30, 2010

total ECLIPSE of the heart.

There are very few things that i would wait 7 hours for, but the premiere of the new movie Eclipse, from the Twilight Saga, is one of them.  At 5:00 p.m. my adorable friend, Bianka, and I got to the Burbank AMC  to get our spot in line for the midnight showing of Eclipse. When the movie ended at about 2:30am I would have gladly bought a ticket for the 3a.m. showing without a second thought, but it was sold out :( If you've never been to any midnight showing of a movie, i would HIGHLY recommend that you try it out. Theres just something so fun about waiting in line for half a day with people, seeing their excitement, and being the first person to see a movie.
I've read all the books, and i love the movies.  This one was no exception. I absolutely LOVED it. And just when you thought Taylor Lautner couldn't have any more abs!!! Everything about it was perfect, with the exception of Rosalie's makeup (if you've seen the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about ;) But really, who cares?  The night was to say the least, amazing. We met some VERY memorable people, and laughed a lot. Oh i love twilight (: Here are some pictures from the night ((((:
One of the funniest things was we saw SO many of our friends walking around, and they stopped and hung with us for a while (: 

First we saw Taylor !!! 

Then Becca....

Corey and Alex, who ended up selling me headphones haha! 

Isaac (: 

these are the headphones i bought!

isn't she just the cutest? 

so we went to get Starbucks about 20 minutes before they were going to let us in, and when we were coming out we saw everyone stand up and get ready to go in so we had to SPRINT back to our spot in line, but we made it ;)

So when we were inside the theater waiting, these three guys got up and started dancing and trying to make everyone do the wave. It was pretty entertaining! haha (: 

Such a blissful night!!! i can NOT wait to see the movie again!!!! (((: Happy Twilighting! (: 

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