Sunday, September 26, 2010

{Biblical Decision Making}

     Making decisions biblically is a topic that I have heard many theories and opinions on. From the many people I've talked to, they all have different views on the decisions we make, and whether they all relate to the Bible and to the Lord. Well, first of all, I would say that every decision we make IS relevant to our relationship with the Lord and our lives a believers. However I know Ive found myself in different situations thinking "what should I do here, because my problem isn't directly discussed in the Bible." And realistically, probably 80% of the decisions we made everyday aren't specifically addressed in the Bible.  This can lead people into a trap. One might think because the Bible doesn't expound exactly on the choice they have to make, that their decision is thus left up to their feelings, or what they want to do. I am totally guilty of thinking like this at times, and not even considering my biblical response to a situation, because its seemingly "small." How foolish of me to think this way! 
     This week, while reading Jay Adams book A Theology of Christian Counseling, Adams covers the topic of making biblical decisions, in what i think, is the most practical and God-honoring way for us a believers to approach every facet of our lives.
     First Adams starts by saying two things. One, that there is no way to know God's will and to receive His guidance apart from the Scriptures. Second, there are scriptural principles and practices to cover all circumstances of life, available to those who take the time to make the effort to understand and know the Bible adequately.  What a blessing that there IS a place we can turn to understand the Lord's will and what he would have us do, no matter the surrounding circumstances! Along with this Adams dispels the myth of "being led by the spirit"; the thought that there is extra-biblical guidance in decision-making. Being led by the Spirit (as referenced in Romans 8:14 and Galatians 5:8) means walking in righteous paths by the Spirits strength. Adams states; "The Christian is "led" to walk in God's ways by the Spirit rather than to walk in the flesh. No notions of guidance in decision-making appears in either passage."
    Okay so, what is our first step of making decisions? We are to search out the relevant principles that have a bearing upon the case (some are general and others more specific.) Adams uses the example of marriage. If marriage is the decision in question, we must first apply the biblical principles of purity.  Then we must also consider 1 Cor. 7:39 which says "...marry only in the Lord." This is a direct statement to believers, to not be unequally yoked, meaning we are not to knowingly marry an unbeliever. By doing this we have automatically narrowed down the choices significantly, because now all unbelievers are automatically discounted in our choice to marry rightly.  From there lets say a man has come to the point where he sees three Christian women as potential marriage partners; Mary, Hannah, and Amy.  Now, he brings more specific principals into play. Mary has many good qualities about her, but there are some concerns for her church attendance and Bible study. Mary then may be rejected, because at this time she doesn't seem adequately susceptible to biblical authority. Now he must choose between Hannah and Amy who are both passionate Christians and involved in Christ's work. Here is where it gets tricky. There is not principal that would exclude one woman or the other, and both are equally good choices. After biblical principles have boxed out, or rejected, all unbelieving woman, and at this time, Mary, but this man is left with more than one option within in the box. In this situation it is neither right nor wrong to marry either Hannah or Amy. At this point it is important to keep in mind that the case in which one mat choose from among many goods, exists only for those who have eliminated all biblically wrong options. Thus at this time, this mans decision to marry either Hannah or Amy, is purely preferential! God is a God of abundance, and how often he leaves us with many choices, all of which would honor him, and we get to choose OUR preference!! It makes no sense apart from Gods love and mercy!!! 
     So basically we are to, search the Scripture for principles applying to our situation, discount all  choices that would be considered unbiblical, and then choose from the choice(s) that are left in our box!!!
     Something else Adams discussed is what he calls the "holding principle."  This comes into play when we have a situation where we are unsure if our action would be sinful.  The example that Adams gives is that of Paul addressing those in the church who thought it was sin to eat the meat offered to idols(Romans 14:23.) He explains how if we think what we are doing is sin, and yet continue to act, then our action does become sin. ("eating in doubt.") We should become fully convinced in our OWN mind, not by what others around us are doing. So in these type of occasions, where we are unsure if our actions are sinful, we must "hold" our decision.  We must prayerfully consider the issue and search the scriptures to see what the Lord says about this issue.  **If biblical reasons to do it do not appear, there is a reason to refrain from action.**  Many times we can be put under pressure to make a hasty decision, which can often result in our making a bad decision. God often wants to slow us down to take a closer look at something before we commit ourselves to it. Examining which option will give the Lord the most glory, and then stick with that.
     I was so encouraged by Adams practical ways to make biblical decisions I decided it would be most profitable to share it! I pray this will fall upon someone's heart who is confused on this issue, and cause them to make a choice that honors the Lord!! This was by NO MEANS any of my ideas or word! The Lord used Jay Adams to teach me about how to better honor Him through each decision I make!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

{My Cousins Wedding}

Okay, I have a confession to make......I love weddings. Everything about them makes me so happy, and if I could, I would go to a wedding every day of my life. And I have yet to attend a wedding, and not cry. Well, this weekend my sweet cousin Jessica tied the knot, with her now hubby Ned. They are absolutely perfect for each other and it was such a sweet time with her friends and family. I definitely had a blast. I'm so happy you've found someone to spend your life with Jess, I love you guys so much! 

Her wedding took place up in Avila Beach.....ON the beach. It was absolutely gorgeous. The weather, the bride/groom, and the decorations. Perfection is the only word that really covers it. Heres some photos I snapped that day!
walking up to the ceremony

Her dad (my uncle) built this for her to get married under, how sweet is that?!

This is when Ned first saw Jessica...

Her parents giving her away.

The bridal party!


Mr. & Mrs. Ned Segal!!!

My Uncle and I at the wedding.

First Dance, always one of the best parts...

Father/Daughter dance

The Happy Couple!!!!

On a sillier note, they had a photobooth at the reception for the guests to take pictures in and put one copy in the guest book, and take the other copy home. It was such a great idea, and everyone there LOVED it. 

One last random fact about the wedding, I caught the bouquet!!!! Haha, so i guess that means I'll be getting hitched SOON! Just kidding :)

"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor."
Romans 12:9-10

Saturday, September 4, 2010


This week marked my first week of college!! I was SO nervous going into the week, because I really didn't know what to expect, and I thought it would be overwhelming.  But the Lord is so gracious to me, and it was probably the easiest week of my life :). I have four classes, some Monday/Wednesday and others Tuesday/Thursday, and thankfully they all finish before 1:00pm :) So i have a whole bunch of day left for homework and other fun stuff.  I love all my professors, and my classmates are so sweet, all of which is such a blessing to me!  College is so much different from high school, but after a week, i will say, its SO MUCH BETTER!!!!! I'm so excited to see what this year brings, and what the Lord will do in my life!
Praise the LORD
       Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
       his love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1