This is my mother.
If you already knew that, you also probably know that we are close. VERY close.
I think our closeness is a product of a few things; We spend a lot of time together; We tell each other everything, and the Lord has just given us personalities that allow us to be unusually close knit. But undoubtedly the biggest reason we are so close is because over the past few years we have had to walk through the same trials together. By the Lords grace, He has used it to strengthen our love for Him and our friendship.
The past few months have been heavy laden with stormy seas. One of which has been with my grandparents rapidly declining health. For the past 5 days my mom has been up in Pismo Beach, taking care of my grandparents, until arrangements for full time care-givers can be made. Trust me when I say, it has not been an easy task to take care of them.
However, this has been quite an eye opening experience for me. I've stayed home and had to be responsible for cleaning, laundry, cooking, our animals, and other tasks around the house.
Today I spent the whole day cleaning, and getting things ready for her to come home. The thought that kept going through my head was about how thankful I am to my mother for sacrificing her time to be a faithful steward of our home, with far too little recognition.
I am so thankful to have been taught by her, how to keep a home, schedule, and priorities.
Praise the Lord for my dear mother whom I love so much! She is truly a blessing.
"She looks well to the ways of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.”
So sweet! :-)