Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello/Goodbye: Looking Forward to 2012

Time truly does fly when you're having fun. This past year has come and gone by so quickly. Looking back at 2011 I see growth, grace, and fruit. I was such a young Christian at the beginning of last year, and it is amazing to look back and see how the Lord, has molded and shaped me, a sinful wretch, for His glory.  He is my first love, and He is so faithful, even when I fail.
2011 brings me so much joy, as I look at how full it was. I started meeting with a prayer group with 5 other women, finished my first year of college, started a small group with 3 other women, and cultivated friendships that will last forever. 
Gods grace has been evidenced to me each day that I have had to live this past year, and I am nothing but thankful.
But as much joy and fruit this year has brought, I look back and see my continued need for a Savior. Each and every day I HAVE to rely on Him to be my strength and portion, or else I will fail.......miserably. I see my own sinful heart and how many times I listen to it, and wander.
 My prayer for this year is the same prayer David prays in Psalm 139

"Search me, O God, and know my heart! 
   Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any grievous way in me, 
 and lead me in the way everlasting!"

Its important for me to always have a spiritual game plan and be prepared -- or else I will be easily distracted or lose sight of the true destination or purpose.
Some of my goals for 2012::
+ Cultivate a greater discipline with Scripture Memory
+ grow in evangelism
+ quick to hear and slow to speak
+ cultivate a more gentle and quiet spirit
+ be more discerning 
[and on the practical side...]
+ re-do my room
+ read 100 books
 + travel
+ finish my AA degree//start culinary school

But ultimately my only goal is to be more saturated with Christ each day

"To live is Christ and die is gain."
Philippians 1:21

1 comment:

  1. So encouraging to see how you have grown in Christ Brooke! Thank you for posting, and in turn encouraging me in my daily walk with the Lord!!! Xoxo
